yes so © and its all
< 23°Today the temperature is up to 24° and tomorrow it will drop to 16°
January | November | December |
Here is a paragraph that will use a sans-serif font.
Here is a paragraph with its font size set to 20 pixels.
This is how the paragraph displays with the page's font size set to 16px.
This is how the paragraph displays with the page's font size set to 24px.
This paragraph has red font.
In this paragraph, only the last word is in green.
This paragraph is highlighted in yellow.
This paragraph's font is set to half opacity.
The whole paragraph is set to half opacity.
Grey |
Golden |
Black |
Beige |
hex #C0C0C0 | hex #E6BE8A | hex #696969 | hex #FDF5DC |
rgb (192, 192, 192) | rgb (230, 190, 138) | rgb (105, 105, 105) | rgb (253, 245, 220) |
hsl (0, 0%, 75.3%) | hsl (33.9, 64.8%, 72.2%) | hsl (0, 0%, 41.2%) | hsl (45.5, 89.2%, 92.7%) |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus viverra eros non sagittis malesuada. Pellentesque commodo lectus a metus commodo, id tincidunt lacus rutrum.
We'll try out a digital clock font.